From 14.06. to 17.06.2023, the Hyperloop Conference on "Challenges in the Hyperloop Ecosystem for Transportation" will take place in Busan (Korea). The event offers a varied programme - with exciting key notes, a Hyperloop safari, master classes, a panel discussion, speed networking and a Hyperloop VIP dinner.
At the Hyperloop Conference in Busan, renowned experts will discuss the greatest challenges for the Hyperloop ecosystem in the area of passenger and freight transportation. The conference will start with opening words from Dirk Lukat, Chief Executive Officer at Schenker Korea Ltd., Dr. Martin Henkelmann, President & CEO at Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Judit Sandor, Programme Manager – Europe’s Rail Undertaking, Andrew S. Millard, Busan Representative for the European Chamber of Commerce in Korea, and Michael Johannes, Vice President Mobility & Logistics Messe Frankfurt.
Participants in the panel discussion will be Andrés De León, CEO Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Judit Sandor, Programme Manager Europe's Rail Undertaking, Leo Tonidandel, Country Manager Korea Lufthansa Group, and another guest. A total of around 20 renowned experts will speak on the various facets of the Hyperloop. The Hyperloop Safari/Demo Shows and the Zeleros Hyperloop Pod are further highlights of the event. An exclusive Hyperloop dinner with 30 VIPs is also planned in Busan on 14.06.2023. The city of Busan and Bexco are sponsors of the evening event.
During the conference, participants will have the opportunity to meet all key international players in the Hyperloop ecosystem, including Hyperloop start-ups, companies, suppliers and investors at a speed-dating event. In addition, six interactive masterclasses are planned, including the results presentations of the Hyperloop workshops. Time and space for networking is of course also planned at lunch, during the coffee breaks or after the conference over a drink in a relaxed atmosphere.
On 16.6.2023 there will be the opportunity to visit three innovative technology companies near Busan to learn about their future projects related to Hyperloop technology. The event will conclude with a sightseeing tour in Busan on 17.6.2023.
The Hyperloop Conference is supported by the following partners: Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Hardt Hyperloop, Zeleros, Messe Frankfurt, RailLog Korea, Tata Steel, Erciyas, Posco, Inno Energy, Europe's Rail, AHK Korean-German Chamber of Commerce & Industry and the ECCK, European Chamber of Commerce in Korea.
The conference will take place in parallel with RailLog Korea, the leading trade fair for railway technology, infrastructure and logistics. Participants of the Hyperloop event can visit the exhibition for free on all three days of the event.
More information on the Hyperloop Conference is available at
To network with the community before the Hyperloop conference, interested parties can join the LinkedIn group "Hyperloop Ecosystem" for free.
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