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PitStop Challenge winner announced as Automechanika Dubai crosses the finish line

- Oct 05 2023
PitStop Challenge winner at Automechanika Dubai

Dubai, UAE: The action certainly wasn’t slowing down on the final day of Automechanika Dubai as mechanics, repair professionals, and motoring enthusiasts went head-to-head to win pole position at the PitStop Challenge. Formerly known as the Tools & Skills Competition, the exciting day-long event aims to recognise the best talents in the industry for their knowledge, expertise, agility and accuracy in a series of repair and maintenance-related tasks.

For this year’s challenge, participants were tasked with changing two tyres using industry-leading DaTotech equipment and tools. Speed was the name of the game, with the fastest three awarded at a special ceremony at the end of the competition.

The PitStop challenge was judged by expert panellists Aqil Al Janahi and Gurubasappa Basavaraju of the Dubai Government Workshop. The overall winner of the competition was Christian Cloppenburg from Schrauberblog GmbH, while the second and third spots were awarded to Ajaya Tamner from Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group and Numan Khalid from Super Fix Auto Centers, respectively.

Commenting on the competition, Mahmut Gazi Bilikozen, Portfolio Director at Messe Frankfurt Middle East, the organiser of Automechanika Dubai, said: “The PitStop challenge at Automechanika Dubai never fails to ignite the crowd with its electrifying action. This year's event was no exception, as participants displayed a level of excellence that would undoubtedly leave even Formula 1 teams in awe. The atmosphere was nothing short of thrilling, creating an unforgettable experience for all involved.

“I’d like to extend my congratulations to all the winners! Their remarkable skills and dedication shone through, setting a standard of excellence that exemplifies the spirit of Automechanika Dubai. This event has once again proven that innovation and expertise are at the forefront of the automotive industry. Kudos to everyone who participated and made this year's challenge an extraordinary success!”


About Automechanika Dubai

Automechanika Dubai is the largest international automotive aftermarket trade show in the Middle East taking place at the World Trade Centre between 2-4 October 2023. Automechanika Dubai acts as the central trading link for markets that are difficult to reach connecting the wider Middle East, Africa, Asia, and key CIS countries.

For more information, please visit our website.

About Messe Frankfurt

The Messe Frankfurt Group is one of the world’s leading trade fair, congress and event organisers with their own exhibition grounds. With a workforce of some 2,160 people at its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main and in 28 subsidiaries, it organises events around the world. Group sales in financial year 2022 were around €454 million. We serve our customers’ business interests efficiently within the framework of our Fairs & Events, Locations and Services business fields. One of Messe Frankfurt’s key strengths is its powerful and closely knit global sales network, which covers around 180 countries in all regions of the world. Our comprehensive range of services – both onsite and online – ensures that customers worldwide enjoy consistently high quality and flexibility when planning, organising and running their events. We are using our digital expertise to develop new business models. The wide range of services includes renting exhibition grounds, trade fair construction and marketing, personnel and food services. Sustainability is a central pillar of our corporate strategy. Here, we strike a healthy balance between ecological and economic interests, social responsibility and diversity.

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With its headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, the company is owned by the City of Frankfurt (60 percent) and the State of Hesse (40 percent).

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About Messe Frankfurt Middle East

Messe Frankfurt Middle East’s portfolio of exhibitions includes: Automechanika Dubai, Automechanika Riyadh, Beautyworld Middle East, Beautyworld Saudi Arabia, Intersec, Intersec Saudi Arabia, Gifts & Lifestyle Middle East, Light + Intelligent Building Middle East and Paperworld Middle East. In the 2022/23 event season, Messe Frankfurt Middle East exhibitions combined featured 3,939 exhibitors from 66 countries and attracted 151,990 visitors from 116 countries.

For more information, please visit our website.

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