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“A Digital Guardian Angel” – Bosch Unveils Smart Emergency Call System For Motorcycles

Adrian Smith
- Jun 03 2020
“A Digital Guardian Angel” – Bosch Unveils Smart Emergency Call System For Motorcycles

Bosch has unveiled Help Connect, a digitally connected emergency call system for motorized two-wheelers that speeds up the rescue process. Via a smartphone app, Help Connect transmits information about an accident scene and the rider to the Bosch Service Center, and from there to the emergency services, helping them find the victim more quickly.

The system also transmits any medical data provided by the rider to the Bosch Service Center.

Harald Kroeger from Bosch’s board of management, says: “Help Connect adds a digital guardian angel to the broad Bosch portfolio of motorcycle safety systems.”

Help Connect was developed as a collaboration between engineers and the company’s in-house accident research. “Before we develop products that increase safety for motorcyclists, we need to understand the critical situations they face,” Kroeger explains.

200207 Bosch Help Connect Weiss Welt Original

The emergency call service will initially be available for customers from Germany. But Bosch says users will be able to communicate with the Bosch Service Center in German or English from any European country.

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