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BMW Group to Build High-Voltage Battery Assembly at its Site in Hungary

Staff Writer
- Nov 27 2022
BMW Group to Build High-Voltage Battery Assembly

TheBMW Group is to build a high-voltage battery assembly at its site in Hungary. The battery assembly will be located on the site of the Debrecen vehicle plant.

The company will create more than 500 additional jobs and invest over two billion euros in the construction and launch of the entire plant.

In Debrecen, the next-generation round battery cells will be assembled into a battery housing – a metal frame, which is later integrated into the underbody of the car.

The official start of production for the sixth generation high-voltage batteries will be in 2025 – in parallel with the start of vehicle production.

All batteries for the vehicles from Plant Debrecen will be assembled on site.

The new production facility will extend over an area of about 140,000 m². 

With the next generation of batteries for BMW's NEUE KLASSE, range will improve by up to 30 percent, and the charging speed will be up to 30 percent faster.

Milan Nedeljković, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Production, says: “In Debrecen, we are building the most advanced plant in the world. With our iFACTORY, we are setting new industry standards for vehicle production. Our investments underline our systematic approach to implementing e-mobility.”

Markus Fallböhmer, Senior Vice President of Battery Production at the BMW Group, explains: “The BMW iFACTORY is also about ensuring short distances for logistics. The close link between battery assembly and vehicle production is part of our strategy.”

“We are currently recruiting new colleagues locally and from all over Hungary, so we can build the future of BMW Group Plant Debrecen together,” adds Hans-Peter Kemser, President and CEO of BMW Manufacturing Hungary Kft. 

BMW Group to Build High-Voltage Battery Assembly

Combined with the commitment to use only green power from renewable energies for production of battery cells, the BMW Group will reduce the carbon footprint of battery cell production by up to 60 percent.

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