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"Car Subscriptions are the Next Step" − Onto CEO and co-founder Rob Jolly

Tom Fogden
- Aug 04 2022
onto car subsciptions

The move away from the traditional car ownership model has been happening for a while and car subscriptions are the next logical step for drivers − that's the view of Rob Jolly, CEO and co-founder of electric car subscription company Onto. 

The Warwick-based company is clearly popular with drivers, having grown by 500% in the last year and expecting to more than double its revenue in 2022.

However, with increased economic uncertainty and the ongoing supply chain crisis in the background, is the move from ownership to subscription simply a symptom of wider problems in society?

Auto Futures headed to Warwick's offices to get the inside story from Jolly.

Onto also rolls charging and insurance into its offering and, according to Jolly, this is another benefit for drivers who want the driving process to be as simple as possible. This, of course, will have benefits for urban drivers who do not have access to off-street parking and charging.

Jolly, however, says that the Onto proposition is just as popular for more rural drivers as it is for city-dwellers and the company has customers from the bottom of Cornwall to the top of Scotland. 

Aside from its consumer offering, Onto has a B2B offering that allows companies to get the same flexibility as regular drivers enjoy. This gives businesses the chance to try out electric vehicles without the overhead cost and risk associated with an all-out purchase. 

In truth, it seems unlikely that personal or business car ownership will ever be completely replaced by a subscription service. But, with subscriptions becoming more popular by the day, it seems as though they will become another step on the road to a fully shared economy.

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