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E-Moped Sharing Trial to Start In London Next Year

Tom Fogden
- Dec 07 2021
Human forest E-Moped

London-based bike-sharing company HumanForest is set to launch the UK’s first fleet of shared electric mopeds in January next year.

100 of the electric mopeds will be available during a trial period and users will get five minutes free per day, before rising to 20p per minute thereafter.

During 2022, the number of scooters is expected to rise to 200 as the trial expands.

“The arrival of our electric mopeds is an exciting moment for London and the UK. Our e-mopeds will be good for people and businesses looking to move around London in an affordable and sustainable way, helping to reduce air pollution in the City,” says Agustin Guilisasti, founder and CEO of HumanForest 

“Our mission to reForest London is well and truly underway; following the successful launch of our e-bikes, these new vehicles will help people travel faster without releasing any emissions. The introduction of electric mopeds into the UK’s market will pave the way for embedding better and healthier ways of moving around our cities into our national transport ecosystem.”

Users will be able to find the e-mopeds in dedicated parking spaces across London before unlocking them using the HumanForest app.

Prospective riders will also be required to have at least a provisional driving license before they can start riding.

The scooters will be capped at a top speed of 28 mph and will be equipped with two helmets to help keep riders safe. The e-mopeds also have a range of storage compartments that can hold up to 5.6 kg.

HumanForest, however, provided no information on the mopeds’ range nor the areas of the city where they will be active during the trial. At present, HumanForest’s e-bikes can be found in select areas in the West, South, and East London.

It seems likely, though, that they will be recharged using the firm’s range of electric Mercedes vans, which are themselves powered exclusively with renewable electricity.

While the trial is doubtless exciting for potential riders and the company, there will remain concern around rider and pedestrian safety – particularly if riders are new to mopeds, whether electric or otherwise.

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