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Eco-friendly Delivery Service Launches in Venice Using Hydrogen-Powered Boats

Staff Writer
- Aug 10 2022
Nippon Express Italia

Nippon Express Italia S.p.A,, a group company of Japan's NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS, INC., has launched an eco-friendly delivery service in Venice, Italy, that uses hydrogen-powered boats.  This last-mile delivery service that cuts truck transport CO2 emissions by using hydrogen-powered boats for deliveries primarily to luxury fashion shops.

These boats are equipped with removable hydrogen generators, and they emit far less CO2 than gasoline and diesel engines.

The European Union has set a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% from 1990 levels no later than 2030, and companies operating within the EU are thus accelerating their decarbonisation efforts.

In a press release the company says: 'To realize its long-term vision of becoming a "logistics company with a strong presence in the global market," the Nippon Express Group has made addressing climate change one of its material issues and is working to reduce CO2 emissions in its operations as well as to create products and services that help its customers reduce their own CO2 emissions'.

It adds: 'The Nippon Express Group will continue actively working to bring about a sustainable society by striving to reduce the environmental impact of logistics and building a resource-saving and recycling-oriented society'.

Nippon Express is one of the world's ldeading logistics companies with over 731 locations spanning over 49 countries and regions.

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