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Mercedes-Benz Begins Testing ChatGPT in Vehicle Production

Staff Writer
- Jul 07 2023
Mercedes Benz Begins Testing ChatGPT in Vehicle Production

Mercedes-Benz has testing ChatGPT project in its MO360 digital production ecosystem. With the aim of optimising the analysis of production data, fChatGPT will now support production employees as a voice-based interface.

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) aims to accelerate error identification and analysis, as well as quality management and process optimisation at Mercedes-Benz.

Mercedes-Benz is integrating ChatGPT through Azure OpenAI Service, leveraging the capabilities of Microsoft’s cloud and AI platform.

Another area of focus of integrating ChatGPT in production is to provide employees worldwide with an AI-based digital contact person.

Production employees communicate through MO360 via a self-service portal that is available on any company device - including tablets, smartphones and laptops.

The MO360 Support Bot is designed to take queries and clarify them in dialogue with the employees.

Jörg Burzer, Member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG, responsible for Production and Supply Chain Management, says: “Using ChatGPT through Microsoft as part of the MO360 digital ecosystem is another example of how digitalisation is taking production at Mercedes-Benz to the next level. Through new digital tools, employees are further empowered to optimise production processes and quality management in a sustainable way. After a successful pilot phase, ChatGPT will be used throughout the Mercedes-Benz global production network.“

Mercedes Benz Begins Testing ChatGPT in Vehicle Production

At this point, ChatGPT is intended to support strategic decision-making at Mercedes-Benz for the entire production chain within the shortest possible time.

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