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SkyDrive Raises 9.6 Bn Yen in Funding to Accelerate Development of Flying Cars & Cargo Drones

Staff Writer
- Sep 26 2022
SkyDrive Raises 9.6 Bn Yen

Japan's SkyDrive Inc., a leading developer of flying carsand cargo drones, has raised a total of 9.6 billion yen in the Series C round of financing through a third-party allotment of new shares and bank loans to 13 companies including MUFG Bank, Ltd. This has brought the company’s cumulative total raised to approximately 14.7 billion yen.

It's developing flying cars, and cargo drones that are capable of transporting objects weighing 30 kg in order to realise a future that utilises the sky for everyday transportation.

SkyDrive's held a manned flight of Japan’s first flying car in 2019. It is currently developing a two-seater vehicle, the SkyDrive SD-05 (“SD-05”), 

The company is planning to launch air taxi service in the Osaka Bay area during the world exposition scheduled for 2025 in Osaka, Japan.

Tomohiro Fukuzawa, Chief Executive Officer, SkyDrive Inc. says: "Since the completion of Round B Financing two years ago, the world has seen a dramatic increase in the movement toward the full-scale realization of New Air Mobility including business drones, and SkyDrive has also been promoting the full-scale launch of its cargo drone business and the development of its commercial vehicle, the SD-05. We are very grateful for the new financing and the opportunity to announce a capital alliance with those closely involved in our business."

SkyDrive Raises 9.6 Bn Yen

SkyDrive signed a collaboration agreement with Osaka Prefecture and Osaka City for the realization of flying cars in September 2021.

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