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Volvo Trucks Launches new Energy-Efficient Platform for North American Markets

Staff Writer
- Jan 29 2024
Volvo Trucks Launches new Energy Efficient Platform for North American Markets

Volvo Trucks has unveiled an all-new heavy-duty truck platform for the North American market. The new platform will be the base for a range of new models in the coming years, utilising the company's electric and renewable fuel technologies, as well as efficient combustion engines.

First out is the all-new Volvo VNL model, replacing Volvo's best-selling truck on the North American market for long haul transport.

A variety of new active safety systems are offered with the new truck, including Volvo Active Driver Assist Plus with Pilot Assist.

This system is powered by Volvo Dynamic Steering, which improves maneuvering at all speeds, including more controlled backing, and increases stability at all road speeds.

In Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa, Volvo is launching the new Volvo FH Aero – designed for energy-efficient heavy-duty transport.

The company says the new aerodynamic Volvo FH lowers energy consumption and CO2 emissions by up to five percent.

It comes with a choice of propulsions systems including electric, biogas and diesel.

Volvo's target is having a net-zero emission product range by year 2040.

Roger Alm, President Volvo Trucks, says: "This is a bold move - we are launching new best-in-class trucks that will set a benchmark for energy efficiency and reduction of CO2 emissions across the entire product range. They have been designed to accelerate the journey towards our ambitious 2040 net-zero emission target, but they also offer higher levels of safety, productivity and uptime for our customers."

He adds: "The wide range of trucks we are launching will enable our customers around the world to reduce their CO2 footprints, no matter where they are on their sustainability journey. The supply of green energy varies from market to market, and therefore as a global truck manufacturer, we need to offer our customers a range of decarbonization solutions."

Volvo Trucks Launches new Energy Efficient Platform for North American Markets

Volvo Trucks is part of the Volvo Group. 

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